"Loops 5 times" let i be 5 repeat: until i = 0 show: i
"Check if input is yes or no" let select be input: "Yes/No: " if select = "yes" show: "Selected yes." unless select = "no" show: "Selected no" else show: "Invalid selection."
"Add 2 nums" define add with: a; b return (tonumber: a) + (tonumber: b) show: (add: 5; 10)
Fluentix comes with prepacked-features. It takes the best parts of programming tools and adds its own innovations.
Simple Syntax
Easily code Fluentix thanks to it's simple syntax, so that you can achieve your goals faster.
Fluentix is available in all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux...) so you can code anytime, any device.
Helpful Modules
Fluentix offers countless modules, making it easier for you to code.
Python Support (WIP)
You can effortlessly convert your Python scripts to Fluentix, as well as converting Fluentix back!
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Fluentix is a simple, multi-purposed programming language for everyone. With it's simple syntax, everyone in every level can code confidently and easily.